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UN Global Plastics Treaty A platform for efficient solution to curb plastic pollution
Panel 1: Stakeholder perspectives on a global treaty on plastic pollution...
Do we need a global plastic pollution treaty?
Next steps for the plastic pollution treaty | Panel 1 | 07 April 22
Global Plastic Pollution and Regulation
How can international trade policy help tackle plastic pollution?
PREVENT Webinar: How Plastic Credits are Supporting the Global Plastics Treaty
Combating Plastic Pollution: Is a Global Treaty the Answer?
Plastics and Waste | Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues | 26.11.2020
Next steps for the plastic pollution treaty | Panel 3 | 07 April 22
Panel 2: Understanding the global plastics economy and plastic pollution: Trends and forecasts
Plastics and Standards | Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues | 28 January 2021